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What are neuroses?

In modern studies of the human mind, NEUROSIS is synonymous with psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder and refers to any mental disorder which, although it causes tension, does not interfere with rational thought or the person’s functional capacity. This is an important difference from psychosis, a more severe disorder.

In other words: the neurotic doesn’t have their rational thinking or functional capacity affected. As such, they often suffer from NEUROSIS and don’t even realize it.

But what is NEUROSIS anyway? Are you a neurotic and don't know it?

Neuroses are phenomena generated by a psychic conflict, involving the frustration of an instinctive impulse. In addition, we can understand neurosis as the result of our experiences. Be they experiences, traumas or repressions, as psychoanalysis points out. It is also understood as problems related to libido fixation and problematic fixation.

Sigmund Freud and neuroses

Sigmund Freud delved deeply into the study of neurosis, its causes and symptoms, providing the basis for his psychoanalytic theories as well as the therapeutic therapies he created. For Freud, the unconscious feeds instincts and impulses and should be worked on in order to cure neuroses.

Neurosis is one of the main points of Freud’s theory, as is sexuality and its importance for mental life. In developing his theory of sexuality, he demonstrated various origins that lead man to suffering.

In a nutshell:

According to the psychoanalytic view, neuroses are the result of ineffective attempts to deal with unconscious conflicts and traumas. What differentiates neurosis from normality is:

1- the intensity of the behavior and;

2- the patient’s inability to resolve internal and external conflicts satisfactorily.

The formation and types of neuroses

Brazilian psychoanalyst and professor of psychoanalysis Gilberto Luiz de Souza has published a video in which he explains the formation of neuroses and their types in a very simple but profound way. We share the video below.

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